Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers | December 1, 2022 | Motorcycle Accidents

As of 2022, Florida has roughly 620,000 registered motorcycles. With sunny weather year-round, it’s no surprise that Stuart residents enjoy motorcycles as a preferred form of transportation.
Sadly, motorcycles are some of the most dangerous vehicles on Florida roads. Motorcycle riders have few safety elements, and because they’re exposed to the elements, any crash or collision comes with severe consequences.
Florida Motorcycle Accident Statistics
Per traffic collision data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety, there were approximately 8,045 motorcycle crashes and 550 motorcycle fatalities in 2020.
Even though motorcycles make up less than 5% of Florida’s total vehicle crashes, these accidents account for 17% of road fatalities. Although motorcycle crashes are less prevalent than car and truck crashes, the consequences are far more dangerous.
If you ride a motorcycle, you should know the most common types of crashes and how to avoid them.
1. Left-Hand Turn Crashes
As the name implies, left-hand turn accidents occur whenever a vehicle turns left and collides with a motorcyclist.
Blind spots and distractions can contribute to left-hand turn crashes. Often, these collisions occur when a motorcyclist or a driver fails to use proper signaling.
Common locations where left-turn accidents happen include:
- Parking lots
- Intersections
- Driveways
- Highway on-and-off ramps
It’s always vital for riders to be aware of their surroundings, especially whenever taking a left-hand turn.
2. Head-On Collisions
Head-on collisions are some of the most common fatal accidents. Crash statistics show that head-on accidents make up roughly 58% of motorcycle fatalities.
A rider will likely become pinned or thrown off whenever a car or truck hits a motorcycle head-on, even at a low speed.
For riders, it’s essential to avoid driving in the wrong lane and exhibit caution at four-way intersections or whenever cars move in different directions.
3. DUI Crashes
Sadly, a high number of motorcycle accidents in Florida result from drunk motorists.
If you ride a motorcycle, it’s essential to pay attention to signs of intoxicated drivers, such as:
- Swerving and drifting
- Tailgating
- Speeding
- Crowding other lanes
If you suspect an intoxicated driver, you should report their license plate to the local authorities.
4. Crashes When Changing Lanes
Many motorcycle riders often change lanes as a way to bypass traffic. However, proximity to other vehicles can make this a dangerous practice.
Given their small size, motorcycles are less visible to cars and trucks. Accidents are more likely to occur whenever riders move at a different speed than the natural flow of traffic.
Recently, “lane-splitting” has been lauded as a safe riding maneuver for motorcyclists, but Florida has yet to legalize this practice.
5. Cornering Accidents
Windy roads, streets, and highways can contribute to crashes, especially when motorcyclists lose balance or traction.
Riders should slow down and exhibit caution whenever taking a corner. Curves can often reveal obstacles on the road, such as patches of sand, gravel, and water, which can lead to unprecedented accidents.
6. Speeding
Speeding is a leading cause of motorcycle accidents. Driving at high speeds can make it more challenging to control a bike or avoid hazards.
Speed limits exist to keep all motorists safe. As such, you can reduce the risk of injury when you operate a motorcycle within the posted speed limits.
Should you notice a car driving at excessive speeds, keep a safe distance and report the reckless driving to the authorities.
7. Poor Motorcycle Maintenance
Often, motorcycle accidents and crashes result from a poorly maintained bike.
Contact Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers For Help Today
For more information, please contact the Stuart, Port St. Lucie, or Palm Beach Gardens motorcycle accident law firm of Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers to schedule a free consultation today.
We proudly serve Martin County, St. Lucie County, Palm Beach County, and its surrounding areas in Florida:
Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Stuart
73 SW Flagler Ave
Stuart, FL 34994
(772) 444-7000
Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Port St. Lucie
1100 SW St. Lucie West Blvd. Ste 202
Port St Lucie, FL 34986
(772) 247-3374
Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Palm Beach Gardens
300 Avenue of the Champions Ste 220
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
(561) 944-4000