Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers | September 6, 2024 | Premises Liability

Sustaining a personal injury is almost always stressful, but it can become even more so when the incident takes place in public. If you were injured at Poppleton Creek Dog Park in Stuart, Florida, know that you likely have legal options available to you.
Florida personal injury law is broad in that it allows victims to take legal action against just about anyone. So, while the facts and circumstances of your case will determine what you should do next, we can still provide you with some insight in the meantime.
Continue reading to learn about how to recover compensation after getting hurt at Poppleton Creek Dog Park.
Dog Bite Claims in Florida
If you were bitten or otherwise attacked by someone else’s dog at the park, you might be entitled to file a dog bite claim against them. Unlike many states, Florida does not have a “one bite” rule in place – if it did, it might be harder to win your case.
However, in Florida, it doesn’t matter whether the dog has bitten or attacked anyone before. Dog owners can be held strictly liable if their animal injures another person. This is one of your primary legal options if you’ve been injured at a dog park like Poppleton Creek.
Florida Premises Liability Claims
If you suffered another type of injury at the park – such as getting injured in a slip and fall accident – another kind of legal claim might be available to you. When you are injured on someone else’s property, whether public or private, the type of claim you file is called a premises liability claim.
In Florida, premises liability claims are based, in part, on the relationship between you (the victim) and the property owner. Most likely (but it might depend on the case), you would be considered a “public invitee” while visiting the park. This is good news, as invitees are owed the highest duty of care under the law.
What Damages Can I Recover After an Injury at Poppleton Creek Dog Park in Stuart, FL?
No matter the kind of legal claim you are eligible to file, you can seek both economic and non-economic damages for your injuries. Punitive damages could even be awarded in rare cases.
Economic damages include your financial expenses, such as medical bills and lost wages. Non-economic damages refer to your more subjective losses, such as your pain and suffering, emotional distress, and more.
Punitive damages need much stronger evidence and also require you to demonstrate some sort of ill will from the at-fault party, such as injuring you on purpose. These damages are also meant to “punish” the defendant, not necessarily compensate you. That said, you still receive them if they are available.
Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer for a Free Consultation
The main thing to keep in mind is that you can likely file some sort of legal claim after an injury at Poppleton Creek Dog Park in Stuart, FL. While dog bite and premises liability are probably the two most likely, other claims might be available in some circumstances.
After an injury, one of the best things you can do is reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney here at Kibbey Wagner. We offer free initial consultations, so you can get preliminary legal advice at no cost to you.
From there, our personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you only pay if you win compensation.
Contact Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers For Help Today
For more information, please contact the Stuart, Port St. Lucie, or Palm Beach Gardens personal injury law firm of Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers to schedule a free consultation today.
We proudly serve Martin County, St. Lucie County, Palm Beach County, and its surrounding areas in Florida:
Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Stuart
73 SW Flagler Ave
Stuart, FL 34994
(772) 444-7000
Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Port St. Lucie
1100 SW St. Lucie West Blvd. Ste 202
Port St Lucie, FL 34986
(772) 247-3374
Kibbey Wagner Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Palm Beach Gardens
300 Avenue of the Champions Ste 220
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
(561) 944-4000